The impact of missing just a few of the market’s best days can be profound, as this look at a hypothetical investment in the stocks that make up the S&P 500 Index shows. Staying invested and focused on the long term helps to ensure that you’re in the position to capture what the market has to offer.
A hypothetical $1,000 turns into $121,353 from 1970 through March 17, 2020.
Miss the S&P 500’s five best days and the return dwindles to $77,056. Miss the 25 best days and that’s $26,989.
There’s no proven way to time the market—targeting the best days or moving to the sidelines to avoid the worst—so history argues for staying put through good times and bad.
Missing only a few days of strong returns can drastically impact overall performance.
Information provided by Dimensional Fund Advisors LP.